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Indoor Air Quality in Schools

Keep your indoor air safe from today’s threats and tomorrow’s air challenges

Poor indoor air quality can lead to a variety of health problems, increasing absenteeism and affecting test scores and productivity. The Covid pandemic has shown that most of our schools are not adequately equipped to ensure that the air students breathe is safe. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy recently held a discussion with experts, highlighting the importance of indoor air quality, not just in the aftermath of Covid but as an ongoing public health initiative.

Many schools have added supplementary solutions in an attempt to improve air quality but these “quick fix” stopgaps are often poorly implemented and fall short of what is needed. Schools need to implement long-term, proven, solutions to protect students from the next pandemic and from the more commonplace pollutants we often overlook.

With HALO air purification stations, you can create a safe, productive environment for both students and staff.

  • Reduce the risk of airborne viral transmission
  • Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) without costly HVAC upgrades
  • Mitigate exposure from mold, fungi, and bacteria
  • Healthier air means less absenteeism, better engagement, and happier students and teachers
  • Increases Air Change equivalence of up to 4 eACH, improving ventilation effectiveness and room air mixing, increasing dilution factors.
  • Permanent infrastructure solution without the infrastructure cost
  • Proven results as shown in real-world data with an optional pre and post-installation  validation program

How can you address indoor air quality in schools?

With all of the attention the pandemic has brought to the risks of unsafe air, there has never been a better time to take action on indoor air quality. The American Rescue Plan as well as other relief packages have made hundreds of billions of dollars available for schools that can be used to improve air quality.

School administrators and local governments need to work with experts to assess their needs and develop effective plans for addressing air quality. Parents need to make their voices heard to ensure that health and safety are priorities at the schools their children attend.

Awareness and education will be the key to long-term success. In response to the pandemic, there have been a number of new products developed to address indoor air quality. While many of these are effective, there is no one-size-fits-all solution and many products do not deliver the results they advertise.

If you’d like to learn more about indoor air quality or how HALO can help keep your school safe, submit the form below to speak to an Erlab expert.

Learn How You Can Ensure Your Children Are Breathing Safe Air

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